Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Just in and make sure you follow! http://bailsbeautyblog.blogspot.com/

I only do one review a month, and she put so much effort in her review!  She took hundreds of pictures and they all look awesome! Thanks!!!

Coiling Gizmo

A few days ago I invested in a little contraption called the Coiling Gizmo.  This thing is neato and for some reason at 6:29 AM, I am trying it out.  So far so good, make a little pair of coiled earrings... let's see how it comes out!  I don't like to share my personal life with too many folks, but under the circumstance I hope people understand - "Dear Blog - today was the worst day of my life! I made this..." and it turns out to be some black and red charm bracelets with skulls, axes, and some other kind of weapon...

It happens :) My jewelry is greatly affected by my emotions.  My store is down for example, not because of emotions (though I am anxious for the PT test this Saturday), but because I fly out once a month for duty.  Come Tuesday or maybe during the weekend the ABEO JEWELRY store will be up once again, no worries!